Free Ukulele resources & samples
Free Ukulele Chords Namer with Sound If you’re just starting out, you likely don’t know how to read music. That is totally okay because there is a thing called a tablature, or tabs for short. You can imagine it as a chord diagram on its side. The four horizontal lines represent your strings, starting with the G string on the bottom to the A string on top. Tabs are meant to be read from left to right. The number on the string represents which fret you should press, and therefore which string you should pluck. If the numbers are stacked vertically, then those strings are played at the same time. Give it a try using the tablature below. ..
Visit website >>Virtual Ukulele & Guitar Welcome to Doctor Musik’s apps and games!...
Visit website >>Top Ten Ukulele Tips For Beginners Have you just picked up your first ukulele? Or are you thinking about starting to play? Read these 10 ukulele tips for beginners first! There are quite a few lists of top 10 tips like these out there on the internet. But I’ll try to add some personal stuff and tips of my own. Read on!...
Visit website >>Learning Ukulele: The Ultimate Guide Welcome to Learning Ukulele: The Ultimate Guide. Here, you are going to learn everything you need to know about learning this wonderful instrument. ...
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